Fire Methodology is the new way to Project Manage any project. There are no rules, no guidelines, this is a 5 alarm fire.
Fire Methodology is the new way to Project Manage any project. There are no rules, no guidelines, this is a 5 alarm fire.
With Fire Methodology there is no time to think about process. The process that has been defined is to get something out the door as quickly as possible without thinking. You are holding up a project, gt it out, document it later. This is a 5 alarm project, and all hands are on deck.
The fire has started, we are here. There is no turning back, you need to keep pushing to get the project out, no questions.
You are the PM, you pushed to get the project released. Now what? Time to try to create all the documentation that you should have done before. Time to work on the training documents for the end user. Time to step up and not be confused. You were just involved in a Fire Storm...and you survived, now it is time to do what should have been done first...before the fire.
Some helpful hints in order for you to survive a Fire Storm.
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